Mystery Myanmar

With traditions unchanged from time immemorial, a rich Buddhist culture, and diverse ethnic groups, Myanmar presents a singular travel experience. On the road to Mandalay, we see the spectacular temples at Bagan, tour colonial Yangon, and explore the pastoral Inle Lake region on a journey of deep discovery and reward.

  • Day 01: Welcome to Yangon, Myanmar

    Met on arrival at Yangon International Airport and transferred to hotel. Time allowing, we take an orientation tour and a chance to acclimatize ourselves. 


  • Day 02: Yangon (B)

    After breakfast we embark on a full day tour to explore the ramshackle, chaotic and utterly captivating city which was once the wealthiest in South East Asia. We warm up with a walk along Pansodan Street which is famous for some of Yangon's most impressive colonial buildings. Continue to Pansodan jetty to observe the frenetic daily life on the Yangon River, and on to Sule Pagoda which dates back some 2,000 years. We then visit the Chinese quarter and the Indian quarter with stops at the beautiful Chinese temple Kheng Hock Keong and a sip of Burmese tea. In the afternoon, we’ll browse the bustling and dazzling Scott Market and visit the huge reclining Buddha image at Chauk Htat Gyi. Complete the tour at sunset with an extended visit to one of the world's most spectacular monuments, the Shwedagon Pagoda.


  • Day 03: Yangon - Bago - Yangon (B)

    This morning we drive 80km to the north west of Yangon to visit Bago, an ancient capital of the Mon kingdom dating back to the 9th century. The journey leads through a picturesque rural landscape of paddy fields and small villages. In Bago we’ll tour Kyakhatwine Monastery housing over thousands of monks, see the beautiful 55 meter long reclining Buddha of Shwethalyaung and the Mon-styled Shwemawdaw Pagoda, one of the most venerated in Myanmar. The pagoda spires up 114 m, even higher than the Shwedagon. After a walk around the colorful Bago Market we head back to Yangon. En route we’ll pay a visit to Htaukkyan War Cemetery. The cemetery houses more than 27,000 allied soldiers and is tended by The Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Late afternoon we return to Yangon for the night.


  • Day 04: Yangon – Bagan (B)

    Transfer to Yangon airport for a morning flight to the ancient city of Bagan in upper Myanmar. We’ll tour the city’s most important pagodas and temples such as Shwezigon, Ku Byauk Gyi, Khay Min Ga, Ananda, the Mon-styled Manuha, Nanbaya, Gu Byaukgyi, the city’s central market and a lacquer ware village in Myinkaba. There’s a chance to contemplate the sun set into the fabulous land of gods from a popular vantage point.  


  • Day 05: Bagan - Nathtaung Kyanung – Bagan (B)

    Today we tour the site of Tayokepyay temple in Min Nan Thu Village, then Phaya Thone Zu and Nandamanya temples noted for their exquisite murals of 13th century, and Kyat Kan Cave monastery, a famous meditation center in Bagan. We also pay a visit to some farming villages and take a cruise on the Ayeyarwaddy River to the nostalgic Nat Htaung Kyaung - a wooden monastery dating back to 1781 to admire its woodcarvings and ancient Buddha statues and lacquer boxes. 


  • Day 06: Bagan - Salay - Mt.Popa - Bagan (B)

    We drive for around 02 hours to Mount Popa, an extinct volcano. Conquer the 777 steps to the animistic shrine called by the locals as “Nats”, which offering spectacular views over the surrounding countryside. After lunch we drive to Salay and tour Yokesone Monastery, the oldest surviving wooden monastery hall that’s built on 154 teak posts with beautiful wood carvings decorating the outer walls. Return to Bagan through Chauk, where you will see the old Burma Oil installations of nodding donkeys, and along the banks of the Ayeyarwady River. 


  • Day 07: Bagan –Mandalay (B)

    Transfer to the airport for a morning flight to Mandalay. Proceed overland to Amarapura to visit the 200-year-old U Bein teak bridge; Mahagandayon monastery - home to over one thousand monks; Bagaya Monastery with a superb collection of Buddha statues. Afternoon we contemplate the spectacular Buddha image covered in thick layers of gold leaves at the Mahamuni pagoda, Shwe Inbin monastery, the Golden Palace Monastery of Shwe Nan Daw Kyaung – an example of a traditional wooden building, Kuthodaw pagoda -known for the huge book of 729 marble slabs engraved with Buddhist scriptures.


  • Day 08: Mandalay- Ava - Sagaing -Mingun - Mandalay (B)

    Excursion to the former royal capital of Ava (Inwa) starts with a short boat trip. Continue on a horse cart to Nanmyint Watch Tower, the remains of the palace building nicknamed "Leaning tower of Ava", Maha Awingmye Bonzan and Bargayar Monasteries, one famous for its structure of brick and stucco and the other impressive ornate woodcarvings and teak posts. We then visit Mingun – another former capital city of Myanmar. Mingun is famous for its huge unfinished pagoda housing Mingun Bell, the world's largest uncracked ringing bell, the beautiful white pagoda Hsinbyume, and the unfinished Mingun Paya, one of the world’s largest chedis by King Bodaw Paya. Return to Mandalay for overnight.


  • Day 09: Mandalay - Pyin Oo Lwin (Maymyo) - Mandalay (B)

    Early this morning we journey along the beautiful road winding through the countryside for Pyin Oo Lwin, formerly known as Maymyo. Pyin Oo Lwin is home to many ethnic tribes, famous for its moderate climate, a popular hill station set up by the British during colonial days in Myanmar. We’ll visit the central market with multicolored flowers and vegetables and the huge botanical garden "laid out by Sir Harcourt Butler, former Governor of Burma" to observe the conservation of diverse botanical species around the world. We also tour the Purcell Tower and Shiva Temple and the Candacraig (now the state-owned Thiri Myaing Hotel) before driving further towards Hsipaw to visit Pwe Kauk Falls (Hampshire Falls), and Pyeik Chin Miang – the deep caves full of Buddha images. Return to Mandalay for the night.


  • Day 10: Mandalay – Heho –Kalaw (B)

    Today we travel by air to Heho and drive for about 01 hour (35 km) into the hills and across the Shan Plateau, through fields of mountain rice, to Kalaw. A former British hill station, Kalaw makes for a welcome retreat from the heat of the lower lying areas while the surrounding hills are the home to various ethnic minority groups, including the Palaung, Danu and Pa-O. Leaving the luggage at hotel we’ll drive for 10 minutes to the junction of trekking routes. Leave the car and ascend the small mountain. On the way you will see tea plantation, cheroot leaf, etc. After about 2.5 hours, we’ll reach Ywar Thit village of the ethnic Danu, and then a short walk to Tar Yaw village of the Palaung. Proceed to a vantage point to enjoy the beautiful sceneries around and lunch. Afterwards we trek back to the junction and drive to the hotel.

    NOTE: You can opt for an easier trekking route to Myin Ma Hti village of the ethnic Danu where people garnish their living from agriculture, using no machines. It’s wonderful to observe and interact with local farmers working on milpas and vegetable fields. 

  • Day 11: Kalaw - Pindaya (B)

    After breakfast we make a quick tour of Kalaw town, taking in the tiny train station. Next, drive through the picturesque countryside to Pindaya and explore the limestone cave with its maze of chambers displaying more than 8,000 Buddha statues. In the afternoon, visit some local handicraft workshops producing Shan paper from mulberry bark and traditional umbrellas of the same paper used by monks all around the country.  We also tour the placid Botoloke Lake and visit a village of the ethnic Shans or Paos.


  • Day 12: Pindaya - Inle Lake (B)

    This morning we transfer 90km overland to Inle Lake, one of Myanmar's best-known sights and our base for the next few days. This region is home to Intha people, a tribe of Mon descent. The Intha mostly inhabit the lakeshores and floating villages. Its calm waters are dotted with floating vegetation and fishing canoes, to which scenic high hills provide the perfect backdrop. Get your cameras ready to shot the famous leg rowers. On the excursion by boat this afternoon, we’ll explore Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda and Nga Phe Kyaung Monastery, visit a traditional silk workshop, a blacksmith’s, and a family cigar factory, and learn about floating vegetable cultivation. 


  • Day 13: Inle Lake – Inn Dein – Inle Lake (B)

    After breakfast we travel by boat to the middle of the lake then continue downstream a small canal to the village of In Dein. This part of the boat trip is very interesting thanks to the busy activities along the banks. After the village, we take the covered stairway to the beautiful Alaung Sitthou where ancient stupas are partly covered by vegetation. Alaung Sitthou offers a magnificent view over the lake. Return to the hotel early afternoon and enjoy rest of the day at leisure. 


  • Day 14: Inle Lake – Heho - Yangon (B)

    You can opt to stay free on the lake or visit the charming town of Nyaung Shwe. Early afternoon we transfer to Heho Airport for a flight to Yangon. There’ll be ample time to further explore the former capital city of Myanmar and browse the rich and colorful markets of Theingyi and Bogyoke Aung San (formerly Scott’s) for souvenirs.
    NOTE: There’s a chance to see a colorful local market in the Inle Lake region 



  • Day 15: Yangon - Departure (B)

    Free till transfer to Yangon International Airport for departure.


  • Accommodation of the class quoted
  • Land transfer by AC vehicle
  • Local English-speaking guide 
  • Admission fee to indicated sights
  • Meals as mentioned in the program
  • Government tax and service charge
  • Supply of bottled water & tissues on car on touring days    


  • Visa arrangement
  • Any flight does not mentioned and international tax
  • Travel insurance
  • Early check-in and late check-out
  • Hotel/Room upgrade
  • Festivity surcharge & festivity compulsory service by hotel(s) if any
  • Detour(s)
  • Tip, drinks, personal expenses and others