Essential Myanmar

You'll be taken to anyplace in this country, in the world where unspoiled natures and incredible cultural heritages attracts your sense of travel with more than your enjoyment. Your tour will begin with the very first stop, Yangon and pass many other attractive sites of the country like Bagan - the plain of temples and stupas, Inle Lake - the most famous lake of Myanmar, and numerous Buddhist temple and unique Buddha images.

  • Day 01: Welcome to Yangon, Myanmar

    We’ll be met at Yangon International Airport and transferred to hotel. Time allowing, we take an orientation tour and a chance to acclimatize ourselves. 


  • Day 02: Yangon (B)

    Our tour today starts from the very centre of Yangon, taking in the Sule pagoda, the Mahabandoola Park, the colonial courthouse and the city hall. We then explore the Chinese quarter and the Indian quarter with stops to visit the beautiful Chinese temple Kheng Hock Keong and enjoy Burmese high tea. Continue along the famous Strand Road and visit the bustling Yangon harbor. In the afternoon, we’ll visit Chauk Htat Gyi pagoda to see the huge reclining Buddha image, and then the Shwedagon Pagoda with its glistening stupas covered with 60 tons of pure gold. The pagoda is regarded as the holiest monument of Myanmar and a wonder of the world. There’ll be time for us to saunter the Scott Market for better knowledge of local life and shopping opportunities. 


  • Day 03: Yangon - Bagan (B)

    Transfer to Yangon airport for a morning flight to the ancient city of Bagan in upper Myanmar. We’ll tour a the most important pagodas and temples such as Shwezigon, Ku Byauk Gyi, Khay Min Ga, Ananda, the Mon-styled Manuha, Nanbaya, Gu Byaukgyi, the city’s central market and a lacquer ware village in Myinkaba. Conclude the day at a vantage tower, watching the sun set into the land of temples.  


  • Day 04: Bagan - Salay - Mt.Popa - Bagan (B)

    Drive south, parallel to the Irrawaddy River, to Chauk and explore a colorful morning market. Continue to Salay (30 minutes) an important center of Buddhism in Myanmar with many active monasteries. Salay, many years ago, created its own unique style of Bagan-era architecture. While visiting Salay you will learn more about monastic life, Burmese Buddhism and this unique architectural style as you visit several sights including Salay is Yoke Sone Kyaung monastery, one of the oldest wooden halls in the area. We then head east toward Mount Popa, an extinct volcano standing 1518 meters high. Arriving at midday, we'll first go to Popa Mountain Resort for lunch with fabulous views over the surrounding area. Challenge ourselves with climbing the 777 steps to the shrine at the top of the volcanic plug to the animistic shrine called by the locals as “Nats”. Late afternoon we head back to Bagan. 


  • Day 05: Bagan - Mandalay - Amarapura - Mandalay (B)

    This morning we fly to Mandalay and continue overland to Amarapura. Visit the 200-year-old U Bein Teak Bridge, Bagaya Monastery with a superb collection of Buddha statues, and Mahagandayon monastery that houses over one thousand monks. Later, drive a short distance to Mandalay and check into the hotel. Afternoon we contemplate the spectacular Buddha image covered in thick layers of gold leaves at the Mahamuni pagoda, Shwe Inbin monastery, Shwe Nan Daw Kyaung as the Golden Palace Monastery, a superb example of a traditional wooden building. Tour Kuthodaw pagoda, known for the huge book of 729 marble slabs engraved with Buddhist scriptures. Conclude the day watching the magnificent sunset from the Mandalay hill. 


  • Day 06: Mandalay – Mingun - Ava - Sagaing –Mandalay (B)

    We transfer to the jetty to take a private boat across the Irrawaddy River towards the former capital of Mingun. Mingun is famous for its huge unfinished pagoda housing Mingun Bell, the world's largest uncracked ringing bell, and the beautiful white pagoda Hsinbyume. From Mingun we continue by boat to Inwa (Ava) then enjoy a horse-drawn carriage to Namyint Watch Tower, the leaning tower of Ava, Maha Aungmye Bonzan Monastery of brick and stucco. After the impressive wooden monastery of Bargaya Kyaung, we continue to Sagaing Hills, a retreat for Buddhist devotees. Hillsides are dotted with numerous pagodas and monasteries. At the end of the day we return to Mandalay for the night. 


  • Day 07: Mandalay -Heho - Pindaya - Inle Lake (B)

    Bid farewell to Mandalay and fly to Heho. From Heho we drive to Pindaya and visit the unique Pindaya caves crammed with Buddha images from pilgrims over many centuries. Call at a Shan Paper Umbrella workshop before transfer to Nyaung Shwe to take a boat to our hotel on Inle Lake. 


  • Day 08: Inle Lake (B)

    The morning tour by boat will take in sights of the famous leg-rowers, typical floating gardens, local methods of fishing, stilt houses, etc. Afternoon we pay a visit to Phaungdaw Oo pagoda and the weaving village of Inpawkhon and nearby attractions.
    NOTE: There’s a chance to see a colorful local market in the Inle Lake region 


  • Day 09: Inle Lake - Heho – Yangon (B)

    Transfer to Heho Airport and catch a morning flight back to Yangon. We’ll have ample time to further explore the former capital city of Myanmar.


  • Day 10: Yangon-Departure (B)

    Free till transfer to Yangon International Airport for departure.


  • Accommodation of the class quoted
  • Land transfer by AC vehicle
  • Local English-speaking guide 
  • Admission fee to indicated sights
  • Meals as mentioned in the program
  • Government tax and service charge
  • Supply of bottled water & tissues on car on touring days    


  • Visa arrangement
  • Any flight does not mentioned and international tax
  • Travel insurance
  • Early check-in and late check-out
  • Hotel/Room upgrade
  • Festivity surcharge & festivity compulsory service by hotel(s) if any
  • Detour(s)
  • Tip, drinks, personal expenses and others